New course: Build your own website with The Weekend Website

by | Jan 28, 2021 | Websites

Build your own website in a weekend? Yes, please.

I know what you might be thinking: A Cup of Content develops websites for businesses. Why would they offer a course for people to build their own website?

The answer is simple: we’re in the business of helping small businesses.

Meet The Weekend Website.

The Weekend Website is a LIVE virtual (for now) course where you can learn to build your own website in a weekend. We start on a Friday evening, continue on Saturday, and then spend Sunday wrapping up loose ends during an “Office Hours” type format where you can get individualized help.

We’ll be offering it several times a year, so if you don’t get in on the first session, there will be more!

What’s included when we teach you to build your own website

We’ll be keeping a pretty tight schedule for this course, and there will be several items you’ll need to do before the course starts. As soon as you register, you’ll get detailed instructions on the following items you need to accomplish:

  1. Domain Instructions
  2. Logo and Branding Instructions
  3. Image Instructions
  4. Website Content Instructions

These items are such that we’ll need to do a bit of “pre-work” on your new website before the course starts. We’ll set up your hosting by attaching it to your domain, we’ll install the theme, you’ll gather your logo and branding items, and you’ll start to do some image research.

Friday night’s schedule

We’ll cover the following the first night:

  1. Signing into your website
  2. The basics of WordPress
  3. Adding your logo and fonts to the premium theme you get with this course (Divi by Elegant Themes)
  4. Divi Basics

Saturday’s schedule

We’ll cover this hefty schedule on Saturday. Don’t worry: we’ll take frequent breaks AND a lunch break!

  1. Plugins: what you’ll need (and won’t need!) and why
  2. Beginner’s Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  3. Creating the 5 core pages: Home, About, Services, main Blog page, Contact (with form)
  4. Creating a blog post
  5. Creating the Header
  6. Creating the Footer (social media, etc.)
  7. Working with the Menu
  8. Creating an Opt-In form
  9. Implementing Legal Pages

Sunday’s office hours

On our last day, you’ll be able to ask questions in real time and get help with your specific website! It is important to work on your website during this day. We know that if you don’t put the time into your website, you’ll never finish it. We want you to be able to publish this website by the end of our time on Sunday and feel good about it.

In order to have time to help all attendees, we will be limiting this course to the first 30 people who sign up. Reserve your spot today!

Kim Logsdon

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

Are you ready to uplevel your business? Nobody but YOU can make it happen...and we'll teach you how!

Success! Grab a cup of coffee and celebrate! Don't forget to add to your "safe senders" list!