IGTV Episode 1: Thinking of doing video? Do this one thing.

by | Jul 27, 2018 | Video+Coffee

Video+Content Episode 1: The one thing you need to do to get started with video


Hey, there! Today I’m going to share with you the one—and probably the most important—thing you need to do when you’re thinking of getting into the video space. I know, I know—you’re probably thinking, “Come on, Kim! You taught high school and college for 15 years. This is easy for you!” And you’re mostly right. But I’m going to share with you the one and only thing you have to do in order to create your first video—whether live or static. And guess what! I had to do it, too. Grab a cup of coffee and stay tuned! I’m Kim Bultsma, and this is Video+Coffee.

Alright—let’s get to it. I could sit here and talk microphones and editing and cameras and tripods and the rule of thirds and even backdrops. I could also sit here and talk about theory and having a strategy and a teleprompter and all that other jazz. And while that stuff is important, nothing beats this one thing:

Actually doing it.

The most important step you can make is to just do it. Get in front of the camera. Write down a few things if that helps. Practice. But nothing beats that first time you do it for real, with the record button pressed or that “Go Live” button activated.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and do it! Heck—tag me here at @acupofcontent when you do it so I can be one of your first supporting fans!

And when you’re ready to put some strategy behind your bad self, join our free trial at acupofcontent.com/igtv (create pretty link). That’s where we teach you to strategies and techniques to make your next video rock!

Keep coming back here each week for all things Video + Coffee. Remember, you can always catch the replays at VideoPlusContent.com. Until next time, I’m Kim Bultsma, and I teach you how to get the right content to the right people at the right time. Cheers!

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/at9Ud7upU6U?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Kim Logsdon

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

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