NEW! Video series: Video+Coffee

by | Jul 26, 2018 | Video+Coffee

We added a new video series on IGTV: Video+Coffee

So excited to be kicking off our new video series: Video+Coffee! This new, highly caffeinated show will bring you all things video content, from creative ways to use video in your business to live show tips and tricks to gear, software, and so much more. We’ll be airing new episodes on Fridays around 9 a.m. CST on A Cup of Content’s Instagram profile. Be sure to follow our account to stay in the know!

Don’t want to miss any updates? Here are 3 ways you can stay in the know:

  1. TheCoffeeBreak.Live: Watch #TheCoffeeBreakLIVE, where we dive into the messy world of content marketing every Wednesday at 11:30a CST.
  2. ContentPlusCoffee.Live: Watch Content+Coffee, the live show where we have highly caffeinated discussions on all things content on Mondays at 10a CST.
  3. It’s like, but even better. 🙂 Connect with the CoffeeBot, check out our recent live shows, schedule a 30-minute coffee break, and more…all in one place!

We announced the new series when Kim appeared as a guest on The Erin Strayer Show. Check it out here! ?

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Kim Logsdon

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

Are you ready to uplevel your business? Nobody but YOU can make it happen...and we'll teach you how!

Success! Grab a cup of coffee and celebrate! Don't forget to add to your "safe senders" list!