Write a month's worth of content

Ready to hammer out a month's worth of content in less than 20-90 minutes a day for 5 days?

About this course:

This is a quick course, meant to be completed over the course of 5 days…in just 20-90 minutes a day. You can go at your own pace, too.

Course Overview

5 days worth of assignments to help you write a month's worth of content in just 20-90 minutes a day!

Estimated time to complete: up to 5 days

Day 1

Brainstorm the topic you'll focus on for the next month. It can be as easy as figuring out which product or service you want to focus on for the month. If you get stuck–that's ok! Post your roadblock in our private Facebook group and we'll help!

Day 2

Today's the big day…writing that blog post! A few tips before you get started:

  1. Turn off your email and other notifications that will distract you.
  2. Commit to writing 45-90 minutes to finish the post.
  3. Don't publish.  We'll do that in a day or so.
  4. Follow our handy dandy checklist!

Day 3

Day 3 of our #5daychallenge is creating graphics. You'll need a main blog post image that has the title of your blog on it and your logo or website address (minus the http and www parts). I use a template that is 1280×720 pixels. (That's the size of a 720 HD YouTube video, btw!) Here's your checklist!

Day 4

Today, we're going to place those images we made on Day 3, publish our post, and write/schedule our email/Facebook Messenger broadcast! How are you doing? Snap a photo of your progress and share with us in the Facebook group or tag us on social media!

Here's a little checklist to keep you on track:

Day 5

Today, we're going to write and schedule all of our social media posts for the month!

Here's a 3-page checklist to keep you on track:

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