How to Write Sales Pages that Don't Suck, Section 9:

Frequently Asked Questions

Estimated Time to Complete: 45-60 minutes
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(You know: the stuff you add to your coffee!)


Section 9: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a fairly straightforward section with one caveat: you don’t have to put the entire kitchen sink into it. Remember to only include those questions that pertain directly to the specific product/service you are offering on this page. You can always direct them to your full FAQ page elsewhere on your website!

The format

The format for the FAQ section is quite simple:

  1. Use an overall section header, like “Frequently Asked Questions”
  2. Use an optional subheader (like “You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers!”)
  3. Ask the question and offset it with bold or Header text sizes/colors
  4. Answer the question clearly and efficiently
  5. Link to other pages on your site for further clarification if necessary.

Types of questions you might want to include are clarifying questions, like what’s included, what’s not included, pricing, refund questions, how to cancel, terms, etc.


Here is an example of a section from our FAQ page:


The Basic Membership is very affordable at $30 USD each month. Once you sign up and have access, you can watch videos, download files, have access to Kim and A Cup of Content’s team, engage in the private Facebook group, and much more. When you cancel your membership, your membership is still open until the next regular billing cycle, at which time it is canceled. With all of this being said, we will not process any refunds because of how inexpensive this membership is and all that you have access to while being a member. Refer to our Terms of Service for further information.

Awesome! That's all for today.

Need some help? Ask in the forum or in the private Facebook group. Remember: you can always share what you have and get feedback! We're all in this together.

Up next: Section 10

Once you’ve completed this section, you’re ready to take on Section 10: Readdress the Problem.
