7 Actionable Steps for a Better Brand – Section 7


Estimated completion time: varies

Section 7 here! We’re going to talk about putting swag in your brand.

Section 7: Swag.

You know, swag. Stuff We All Get. Nothing is more embarrassing than meeting with a prospective client or customer and not having a business card to exchange…or a brochure.

Business cards.

The first piece of swag you need to create is your business card. Make that business card memorable. Don’t be afraid to get it designed by a professional–not just something on Fiverr (remember: you often pay for what you get!). But sometime’s money is an issue, and I totally get that. There are plenty of places online you can still get quality business cards for reasonable prices:

(Of note: I am NOT an affiliate of any of these! I just really like them.) Of course, you have to have a bit of skill with Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign to work with templates, but they are definitely worth it (and yes–I supposed you could pay someone on Fiverr to customize a template and still save a few bucks!). Need inspiration? Check out our Pinterest board!

Flyers & brochures.

If your business has many products and services, it would be in your best interest to have a brochure that highlights the categories and/or actual services or products you offer. Perhaps they realize after reading through your brochure that you might be able to do other things for their business that they weren’t initially coming to you for. If they don’t know you offer something, how can you upsell?

As with business cards, you can go to any of the above websites and find templates to purchase and then customize. Remember, though, that you need to keep your brand in mind!


One thing I discovered early about business is being able to give away some things for free to get people interested in what you offer that they will pay you to do. With Content a la mode, I offered free face-to-face classes and workshops to discuss a topic of interest to business owners: social media. It’s a little bit tougher with A Cup of Content because my audience is on a larger scale. So I had to develop some swag to get the people in my local market interested.

Your freebie doesn’t have to be monetary–it can be a tips sheet you’ve created based on common questions your customers always ask or a “common uses” for popular essential oils. Whatever it is, make it valuable enough that they will call you about your paid products and services!

Have any ideas you’d like to share?

Send us an email. Tag us on Instagram. Tweet it. Whatever you do, hit us up online with your ideas and use #betterbrandecourse to tell us about your favorite swag–we’ll be watching and would love to share your ideas with others!