7 Actionable Steps for a Better Brand

new ecourse, better branding course

We know that this is available as a free eCourse on our public website, but we think it’s so valuable that we’re including it here, too!

Course Description:

Whether you’re just getting started with a new business or need some help making sure your business is consistent online, the 7 Actionable Steps for a Better Brand course is perfect for you! No videos on this one (yet!), but it’s in the works!

Course Outline:

  • Section 1: Consistent branding schema: Why consistent brand naming is important and how to do it (plus our secret name checker thingy)!
  • Section 2: THE official how-to for profile images: What to use for your profile image depending on the type of business you are, what sizes you need for all the social media platforms AND Photoshop and Pixlr templates…FREE!
  • Section 3: Your 140 characters: Why it’s important to nail down your elevator pitch and how it can help you with a solid description for your online presence. We’ll discuss what to include in your 140 characters!
  • Section 4: Contact info checklist: Nothing irritates a customer more than having no way to contact you outside of social media. We’ve got a great checklist of contact info to have at the ready, as well as suggestions on “creating” contact information that keeps your business and personal lives separate!
  • Section 5: Branding board: Quick: what two fonts do you use, and what are your brand’s color values? We’ll show you examples of branding boards and give you a checklist on how to create your own (template included!)
  • Section 6: Style guide: See that fancy image at the top of this email? It falls in line with our imagery style guide–learn what you can include in yours to incorporate into your brand’s Style Guide!
  • Section 7: Swag: Stuff. Yep–stuff. Like business cards, brochures, coffee mugs (Surprised? We didn’t think so). Make yourself memorable beyond your online presence!

kim bultsma, blogging coach