Epic Planning Guide Ongoing

We're so excited to share our 2017 Epic Planning Guide with you! As 2016 comes to an end, now is the time to start planning your EPIC 2017.

Let's be honest–throwing stuff to the wall to see what sticks isn't a strategy. It's time you started looking at your content strategically and with purpose.

The challenge:

Use the 2017 Epic Planning Guide to plan January 2017 before Christmas. Then, schedule time in your calendar the first week of January to start planning for February. The more you do this, the faster the process will go!

Time varies

Kim Bultsma

Kim Bultsma


I’m a Star Wars lovin’ #strongwoman who runs obnoxious distances like 50K’s and 50 milers…for fun. I have the craziest ideas “that just might work”…and often do. I’m not afraid to dream, and I encourage my daughter to think big in this small-minded world. I care about people too much, but I’m not afraid of standing up to people who call me crazy for my passion.

Monthly Courses

Fresh new content comin' atcha every month. See all of them here!

On-Demand Courses

Need the basics of social media? Want to get started in email marketing? This is the place to learn!

Let's chat about this over coffee, shall we?

Start a convo in our private Facebook group for members only! Or, you can always send us a note. 🙂