#TheCoffeeBreakLIVE: Episode 20

by | Aug 22, 2018 | #TheCoffeeBreakLIVE

#TheCoffeeBreakLIVE is back! Topic for Episode 20: The Power of Value: How to be a value creator. The CoffeeBot will join us as always, so be sure to type LIVE in the comments to get friendly reminders of when we go live each week!

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#TheCoffeeBreakLIVE Episode 20 Notes:

  • Often talk about putting yourself out there, right?
  • Easier said than done for some
  • Have to make the decision on your own to just do it
  • Had coffee with friend Cindi and she said that she was so glad she stalked me because things in her life are finally coming together
  • sometimes we spend time in our lives riding the coattails of other people.
  • have a few people who want me to just do things for them. design their logo. make their business cards, etc. etc.
  • do these things for free
  • Friends: nothing is free.
  • If you want something done, find out how much it costs, go out and make some money, and come back and pay for it.
  • I like how my friend Erin Strayer put it about a month ago. She shared an image of coffee and said she gave up coffee for X number of months. that was how much it cost to afford her services. It really hit home
  • So let’s get to the being a value creator.
  • You have to learn the fine art of dropping enough nuggets of value that get people energized and ramped up enough to want to take the next step and feel empowered to take action.
  • Then, they realize that they have to invest in themselves (which means investing in you!) to help them accomplish what they need to accomplish to succeed in business
  • You become a value creator…which then creates value for them and allows them to be value creators.
  • It’s not a one-way street.
  • It’s a give and give.
  • But people who see value as a taking situation without giving something in return will never move beyond where they currently are in their path. Their tree will never grow. Their flowers will never bloom. They will constantly stay rooted.
  • So you have to ask yourself: will I forever be asking people to do things for me for free? Will I expect things for free and expect to make a living in return?
  • So I’m going to give you something for free. I’m going to give you 14 days to try and make a small change in your business. What I want you to do is make an effort. I want you to take 14 days and really try to make a change in your business with my help. If you can learn something and change one small thing in your business, then $30 a month should be worth it to you to allow me to create value for you in your business so you can create value for others in your business.
  • See what I did there?
Kim Logsdon

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