3 Tips for Social Media Posts During the Holidays

by | Dec 10, 2014 | eNewsletter / Email Marketing, Social Media Tips & Tricks

It's typically difficult to come up with time to post on social media anyway, but the holidays can really put a damper on this important priority. We've come up with these 3 tips to help you maximize your posts this holiday season!

1. Share a link to your eNewsletter.

This simple post should be a standard staple in your social media content strategy. Share the link for folks to sign up for your eNewsletter, and promise them what they'll get–no spam and great content! Some examples of the post could be:

  • Have you heard the news? Our eNewsletter will visit your inbox twice a month with product spotlights, tips and tricks, and more! [Include your link to sign up here!]
  • Don't miss out on another event at [store]–sign up today for our eNewsletter! [Include your link to sign up here!]
  • Your inbox needs us. [Include your link to sign up here!]

Whatever you do, be creative. Once you come up with 3-4 different posts, put them on random repeat and voila! You have regular content scheduled! (You could use Hootsuite to schedule your content!)

2. Use what you already have in store.

Have a great display of holiday gifts in your store? Snap a photo of it and turn it into a social media post! There's no need to spend time creating a graphic when you already have it done in store.

I was recently in a local coffee shop called Stories Coffeehouse in Omaha. It's a unique store, with homemade gifts, delicious food, and great coffee. There's no need to create a graphic–they already have a great display:

Stories Coffeehouse, visual display

The post that could accompany this image might look something like this:

Take a little piece of Stories home with our delightful homemade candles!

Pro Photo Tip: Make sure you have adequate lighting and never have your “horizon” in the middle of the photo. The “horizon” in the above photo is the top of the piano where the stockings are hanging from. I kept it in the bottom so that the emphasis of the photo is on the candles.

3. Use Canva.

You still need graphics but a graphic designer isn't in the budget? You can create simple designs using Canva, a super sweet online software program that has tons of pre-made templates you can adjust and use for your business. Better yet–it's FREE if you use your own images. Simply put your text in, adjust some colors, use your own image, and you have a sharable graphic for social media, your website, and more! They even have a Design School (for non-designers, of course!).

Final thoughts

The point of social media is to build relationships with your current customers and entice those who haven't yet been a customer. If you are sharing your business being itself, people will want to respond on social media by liking and sharing their own stories about your business. If all you do is hard sell, social media won't work for you. You don't need to overthink social media if you simply look at what you already have around you! It always comes down to the time, though. If you need help with that, we're here.

Stay social, curate content!


Kim Bultsma

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

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