Are you including your “why” in your small business graphic designs?

by | Mar 1, 2017 | All things business, Social media

5 ways you can include your “why” in your small business graphic designs

There’s really no reason why you can’t include your “why” in the graphics you design for your small business. Let’s consider this.

If you have icky graphics you use on your social media, in your blog posts, on your business cards–whatever it is–you become either not memorable or memorable for bad output. And how does bad output reflect on your business as a whole? Potential customers might think you lack attention to detail. And in this cutthroat business world, details matter.

[clickToTweet tweet=”In this cutthroat business world, details matter. #contentmarketing” quote=”And in this cutthroat business world, details matter.” theme=”style3″]

It’s not necessarily a matter of figuring out how you can afford a graphic designer or a VA to make better graphics for your social media. It’s a matter of learning simple rules you can use yourself to make better graphics.

And being consistent about it.

Most importantly, however, is to strategically include your “why” in those graphics. Let’s be honest–people buy your “why” more than they buy your “what”. Sound difficult? It doesn’t have to be. Once you identify your “why”, you can get started.

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Let’s take a look at 5 ways you can include your “why” in your business’s graphic designs.

1. Your business cards

Let’s consider the “why” of our sister business, Content a la mode. “Content that stands out.” They create content that stands out for their clients. Amongst all the other words out there, the content they create stands out because it’s clever, voiced appropriately for its clients, and actionable. So they decided to reflect that in part of their two-sided business card:

small business graphic design

How can you incorporate your “why” into both sides of your business card? You have the space–use it!

2. Your social media graphics

Here at A Cup of Content, we help small business owners, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs learn how to better content market themselves. Our “why” is this: we believe that small businesses and entrepreneurs can create their own content marketing if they learn how and dedicate some time to do it. So our social media graphics should reflect tips and tricks that show our expertise, knowledge, and ideas in doing just that. Once you've identified your “why”, you can start to create graphics that reflect that “why”.

3. Your blog graphics (and posts themselves!)

Your blog should be of interest to your readers AND help with your SEO (search engine optimization). The topic of your blog posts, then, should reflect your “why”, too. Your blog graphics (which also include social media graphics!) should use your brand font and your logo. We can't say it enough: be consistent. Why do you think big companies have memorable commercials and ads? They use consistency. Their logo is always the same. Their fonts are always the same. Their look and their voice have the same feel, and that very thought goes into the imagery that they choose to use in their graphics.

4. Your brochures and rack cards

Something we discuss with our members is branding. You only have so much time to interest someone in today’s fast-paced world. If your brochures and rack cards are crammed with too much information on your services and not enough on your “why”, then what’s the point? Instead, ask yourself how you can write about your products or services that intrigue potential clients and customers into visiting your website or picking up the phone or emailing you for more information? Leave them hanging so they want more. Give them enough to peak their interest so the next logical step is to take action.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Give enough to peak their interest so the next logical step is taking action. #contentmarketing” quote=”Give potential customers and clients just enough to peak their interest so that the next logical step is to take action.” theme=”style3″]

5. Your website and newsletter graphic designs

Every image on your website should be intentional. Every image in your email newsletter should have purpose. If it doesn’t jive with your brand, then don’t use it. See a running theme here? Consistency is vital. Your blog post should have a coordinating homepage slideshow image and email newsletter images, in addition to your social media graphics. The image should be as intriguing as your headline: memorable, to the point, and filled with a desire to learn more.

Final thoughts.

Instead of asking yourself why you’re creating graphic designs in the first place, perhaps you should be asking yourself if your “why” is in everything you create for your business. What do you think? What other graphics do you use your “why” in?

We have a class for that.

Our FREE 21 Day Graphic Design Camp is accepting registrations! Sign up today and learn how to create better graphics for your small business!

21 day graphic design camp

Kim Bultsma

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

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