9 reasons why your social media marketing strategy isn’t getting done

by | Aug 2, 2020 | Content Strategy, Content Writing, Social media

Social media marketing strategy SOS!

We’ve heard all the excuses as to why businesses don’t post on social media. It’s typically because they don’t have a social media marketing strategy. Regardless of the reasons, many of them are legitimate and easily remedied with a few key pointers that you CAN do!

1. You don’t have a social media marketing strategy.

The word “strategy” is really a scary term for businesses when it comes to content marketing and social media. Fortunately, it can be remedied by taking a step back and looking at what your business is focusing on from a selling point for any particular month.

For example, this month we are focusing on getting more social media marketing clients. With that in mind, we wrote this blog post on social media, we’ll send an email out to our list, we’ll create a podcast about the topic (and maybe a coordinating YouTube video), and create our social media around this very topic.

We’re even creating a course on how to sell anything in 8 simple steps for our membership, and we’ll use those 8 steps to sell our product this month.

Plans are nothing; planning is everything.

2. You don’t know what to post.

Well, if you have a strategy for what you want to sell or promote in any particular month, then you can create content around that “topic”. For example, if you want to promote a particular photo organizing service, then you can list 10 ways that that service can help people, etc. Create content around that and share it.

3. You don’t know where to post.

Where are your clients online? Ask them! Send an email out to your list with a poll. Create a poll on Facebook or in your Instagram Stories. Ask your customers directly when they visit your store or place an order. Look at your insights on social media to find out the age groups and interests of your audience and start focusing on those areas. 

For example, We know that Instagram is a hotspot for us. We also know that YouTube and podcasts are important. That doesn’t mean we aren’t focusing on Facebook or LinkedIn–it just means that we’ll put more effort into these other core areas.

If you’re looking for a place to get started, we recommend Instagram, Facebook, and your Google Listing. Add others as you see fit.

4. You don’t have time.

No time? We don’t have time, either, but we make time. You have to put your business out there or no one knows it exists. Give your business a personality and let people get to know it, build a relationship with it, love it.

We put about an hour into writing the blog post, about 10 minutes into the email, 60 minutes into the social media writing and scheduling. If you know what service you want to promote, you can get it all ready to go in under 2.5 hours. So schedule the time into your schedule and make it happen.

5. You don’t think it’s worth it.

If you’ve been just posting here and there without a plan or strategy, it’s understandable why you think it’s not worth it. We know that many of our clients are getting business because of the content we’re creating for them. And you don’t have to post every day, either! Start by posting three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That’s just 12 posts a month! 

6. You aren’t good at graphic design.

You don’t need a graphic design degree to create tolerable graphics for your social media. 🙂 There are so many resources out there, like Canva or Easil, that have pre-made templates you can drag and drop your images and logos into and create nice graphics easily and affordably.

7. You don’t want to come across as conceited.

If you’re worried about it, then you most likely won’t come across as conceited. ???? The most important thing in content writing is relatability. That old adage from school, “Show, don’t tell” means everything in content writing. Show them how awesome you or your products/services are. Don’t tell them!

8. You are too much of a perfectionist.

Friend…you gotta let that sh!t go. You will “perfect” yourself right out of business if you keep rewriting or not writing your content at all. Be relatable. That also means that it’s ok to make mistakes. Your grammar may not be 100%, but at least you’re out there trying. And that, often times, is better than what your competition is doing.

9. You don’t have a social media marketing strategy scheduling platform.

Actually, you do. There are plenty of free platforms out there for you to get your feet wet in the social media world. Facebook and Instagram’s Creator Studio is free to use and provides great analytics. Twitter even has its own native scheduler, too.

Here at A Cup of Content, we have our own social media marketing scheduler. We’re getting ready to brand it back to A Cup of Content, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when that happens so you can take advantage of a fantastic scheduler with small business affordability!

Final thoughts.

You CAN create your own social media! When you need help, our affordable membership teaches you all about content creation for social media, SEO, blogs, and more. If you’re just ready to have someone do it for you, our Social Media Managers here at A Cup of Content are ready to hop in and nerd out about your business!

Kim Logsdon

It's not gonna get done if you don't make the time to do it.

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